Thursday, 1 August 2013

Not a car or bicycle, but a blend an ELF vehicle

A bicycle that looks like a car, or a car that looks like a bicycle, the solar-powered, three-wheeled Electric Light and Fun has rolled into Maine.

  • Stay fresh for work by using the electric motor on your morning commute
  • Enjoy protection from the elements inside the polycarbonate shell
  • Be visible in traffic with headlights, taillights, and signals
  • Keep an eye on other drivers with the side mirrors
  • Carry several bags of groceries or other items in the ample cargo space
  • Skip the gym and still find time for a daily workout as you pedal home
  • Breathe easier knowing you are helping improve air quality


1,800 MPG (miles on the energy equivalent of one gallon of gasoline)
Total weight < 150 lbs (68 Kgs)
Load capacity 350 lbs  (158.7 Kgs)
Electric motor 750 watt
Electric power 20 mph (32 kph)
Electric range 20+ miles (32 + Km)
Charge via outlet < 1 hour
Charge via sunlight  7 hours

Price : $ 5,000.00

Source: Elf

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